Cement yaml extension module.
from __future__ import annotations
import yaml # type: ignore
from typing import Any, Dict, Callable, TYPE_CHECKING
from ..core import output
from ..utils.misc import minimal_logger
from ..ext.ext_configparser import ConfigParserConfigHandler
from ..core.foundation import App # pragma: nocover
LOG = minimal_logger(__name__)
def suppress_output_before_run(app: App) -> None:
This is a ``post_argument_parsing`` hook that suppresses console output if
the ``YamlOutputHandler`` is triggered via command line.
:param app: The application object.
if not hasattr(app.pargs, 'output_handler_override'):
elif app.pargs.output_handler_override == 'yaml':
def unsuppress_output_before_render(app: App, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
This is a ``pre_render`` that unsuppresses console output if
the ``YamlOutputHandler`` is triggered via command line so that the Yaml
is the only thing in the output.
:param app: The application object.
if not hasattr(app.pargs, 'output_handler_override'):
elif app.pargs.output_handler_override == 'yaml':
def suppress_output_after_render(app: App, out_text: str) -> None:
This is a ``post_render`` hook that suppresses console output again after
rendering, only if the ``YamlOutputHandler`` is triggered via command
:param app: The application object.
if not hasattr(app.pargs, 'output_handler_override'):
elif app.pargs.output_handler_override == 'yaml':
class YamlOutputHandler(output.OutputHandler):
This class implements the :ref:`Output <cement.core.output>` Handler
interface. It provides Yaml output from a data dictionary and uses
`pyYaml <http://pyYaml.org/wiki/PyYamlDocumentation>`_ to dump it to
STDOUT. Please see the developer documentation on
:cement:`Output Handling <dev/output>`.
This handler forces Cement to suppress console output until
``app.render`` is called (keeping the output pure Yaml). If
troubleshooting issues, you will need to pass the ``--debug`` option in
order to unsuppress output and see what's happening.
_meta: Meta # type: ignore
def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kw: Any) -> None:
super(YamlOutputHandler, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
self.config = None
def _setup(self, app_obj: App) -> None:
self.app = app_obj
def render(self, data: Dict[str, Any], template: str = None, **kw: Any) -> str: # type: ignore
Take a data dictionary and render it as Yaml output. Note that the
template option is received here per the interface, however this
handler just ignores it. Additional keyword arguments passed to
data (dict): The data dictionary to render.
Keyword Args:
template (str): Ignored in this output handler implementation.
str: A Yaml encoded string.
LOG.debug(f"rendering output as yaml via {self.__module__}")
return yaml.dump(data, **kw) # type: ignore
class YamlConfigHandler(ConfigParserConfigHandler):
This class implements the :ref:`Config <cement.core.config>` Handler
interface, and provides the same functionality of
:ref:`ConfigParserConfigHandler <cement.ext.ext_configparser>`
but with Yaml configuration files. See
`pyYaml <http://pyYaml.org/wiki/PyYamlDocumentation>`_ for more
information on pyYaml.
**Note** This extension has an external dependency on `pyYaml`. You must
include `pyYaml` in your application's dependencies as Cement explicitly
does *not* include external dependencies for optional extensions.
Due to changes in pyYaml version 5.1 to deprecate `yaml.load` without
specifying a `Loader=...`, this class will attempt to parse the yaml
content with the 5.1 sugar method `full_load`, falling back to the
"unsafe" call for versions prior to 5.1. The `full_load` method uses
the FullLoader, which is the default Loader when none is provided. See
the pyYaml message on this deprecation: https://msg.pyyaml.org/load
_meta: Meta # type: ignore
def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kw: Any) -> None:
super(YamlConfigHandler, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
def _parse_file(self, file_path: str) -> bool:
Parse Yaml configuration file settings from file_path, overwriting
existing config settings. If the file does not exist, returns False.
file_path (str): The file system path to the Yaml configuration
yaml_load: Callable = yaml.full_load if hasattr(yaml, 'full_load') else yaml.load
with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
content = f.read()
if content is not None and len(content) > 0:
return True
def load(app: App) -> None:
app.hook.register('post_argument_parsing', suppress_output_before_run)
app.hook.register('pre_render', unsuppress_output_before_render)
app.hook.register('post_render', suppress_output_after_render)