Source code for cement.ext.ext_print

Cement print extension module.

from ..core import output
from ..utils.misc import minimal_logger

LOG = minimal_logger(__name__)

def extend_print(app):
    def _print(text):
        app.render({'out': text}, handler='print')
    app.extend('print', _print)

[docs] class PrintOutputHandler(output.OutputHandler): """ This class implements the :ref:`Output <cement.core.output>` Handler interface. It takes a dict and only prints out the ``out`` key. It is primarily used by the ``app.print()`` extended function in order to replace ``print()`` so that framework features like ``pre_render`` and ``post_render`` hooks are honored. Please see the developer documentation on :cement:`Output Handling <dev/output>`. """
[docs] class Meta: """Handler meta-data""" label = 'print' """The string identifier of this handler.""" #: Whether or not to include ``json`` as an available choice #: to override the ``output_handler`` via command line options. overridable = False
[docs] def render(self, data_dict, template=None, **kw): """ Take a data dictionary and render only the ``out`` key as text output. Note that the template option is received here per the interface, however this handler just ignores it. Args: data_dict (dict): The data dictionary to render. Keyword Args: template: This option is completely ignored. Returns: str: A text string. """ if 'out' in data_dict.keys(): LOG.debug("rendering content as text via %s" % self.__module__) return data_dict['out'] + '\n' else: LOG.debug("no 'out' key found in data dict. " "not rendering content via %s" % self.__module__) return None
[docs] class PrintDictOutputHandler(output.OutputHandler): """ This class implements the :ref:`Output <cement.core.output>` Handler interface. It is intended primarily for development where printing out a string reprisentation of the data dictionary would be useful. Please see the developer documentation on :cement:`Output Handling <dev/output>`. """
[docs] class Meta: """Handler meta-data""" label = 'print_dict' """The string identifier of this handler.""" #: Whether or not to include ``json`` as an available choice #: to override the ``output_handler`` via command line options. overridable = False
[docs] def render(self, data_dict, template=None, **kw): """ Take a data dictionary and render it as text output. Note that the template option is received here per the interface, however this handler just ignores it. Args: data_dict (dict): The data dictionary to render. Keyword Args: template: This option is completely ignored. Returns: str: A text string. """ LOG.debug("rendering content as text via %s" % self.__module__) out = '' for key, val in data_dict.items(): out = out + '%s: %s\n' % (key, val) return out
def load(app): app.handler.register(PrintDictOutputHandler) app.handler.register(PrintOutputHandler) app.hook.register('pre_argument_parsing', extend_print)