Source code for cement.ext.ext_logging

Cement logging extension module.

import os
import logging
from ..core import log
from ..core.deprecations import deprecate
from ..utils.misc import is_true, minimal_logger
from ..utils import fs

LOG = minimal_logger(__name__)

try:                                        # pragma: no cover
    NullHandler = logging.NullHandler       # pragma: no cover
except AttributeError:                      # pragma: no cover
    # Not supported on Python < 3.1/2.7     # pragma: no cover
    class NullHandler(logging.Handler):     # pragma: no cover

        def handle(self, record):           # pragma: no cover
            pass                            # pragma: no cover
            # pragma: no cover

        def emit(self, record):             # pragma: no cover
            pass                            # pragma: no cover
            # pragma: no cover

        def createLock(self):               # pragma: no cover
            self.lock = None                # pragma: no cover

[docs] class LoggingLogHandler(log.LogHandler): """ This class is an implementation of the :ref:`Log <cement.core.log>` interface, and sets up the logging facility using the standard Python `logging <>`_ module. """
[docs] class Meta: """Handler meta-data.""" #: The string identifier of this handler. label = 'logging' #: The logging namespace. #: #: Note: Although Meta.namespace defaults to None, Cement will set #: this to the application label (App.Meta.label) if not set #: during setup. namespace = None #: Class to use as the formatter formatter_class = logging.Formatter #: The logging format for the file logger. file_format = "%(asctime)s (%(levelname)s) %(namespace)s : " + \ "%(message)s" #: The logging format for the consoler logger. console_format = "%(levelname)s: %(message)s" #: The logging format for both file and console if ``debug==True``. debug_format = "%(asctime)s (%(levelname)s) %(namespace)s : " + \ "%(message)s" #: List of logger namespaces to clear. Useful when imported software #: also sets up logging and you end up with duplicate log entries. #: #: Changes in Cement 2.1.3. Previous versions only supported #: `clear_loggers` as a boolean, but did fully support clearing #: non-app logging namespaces. clear_loggers = [] #: The default configuration dictionary to populate the ``log`` #: section. config_defaults = dict( file=None, level='INFO', to_console=True, rotate=False, max_bytes=512000, max_files=4, ) #: List of arguments to use for the cli options #: (ex: [``-l``, ``--list``]). If a log-level argument is not wanted, #: set to ``None`` (default). log_level_argument = None #: The help description for the log level argument log_level_argument_help = 'logging level' #: Whether or not to propagate logs up to parents. Likely should #: always be ``False``, but is here in the off chance this breaks #: something. Setting to ``False`` resolves situations where duplicate #: logs appear with other libraries who logged to the root logger. #: #: Note, if attempting to use PyTest ``caplog`` fixture, this may need #: to be set to ``True``. #: #: See: ``tests.ext.test_ext_colorlog.test_colorlog``. propagate = False
levels = ['INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'DEBUG', 'FATAL', 'CRITICAL'] def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(LoggingLogHandler, self).__init__(*args, **kw) = None
[docs] def _setup(self, app_obj): super(LoggingLogHandler, self)._setup(app_obj) if self._meta.namespace is None: self._meta.namespace = "%s" % self.backend = logging.getLogger("cement:app:%s" % self._meta.namespace) # hack for application debugging if is_true(, 'level', 'DEBUG') level =, 'level') self.set_level(level) self.backend.propagate = self._meta.propagate LOG.debug("logging initialized for '%s' using %s" % (self._meta.namespace, self.__class__.__name__))
[docs] def set_level(self, level): """ Set the log level. Must be one of the log levels configured in self.levels which are ``['INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'DEBUG', 'FATAL', 'CRITICAL]``. As of Cement 3.0.10, the FATAL facility is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Cement. Please us `CRITICAL` instead. :param level: The log level to set. """ self.clear_loggers(self._meta.namespace) for namespace in self._meta.clear_loggers: self.clear_loggers(namespace) level = level.upper() if level not in self.levels: level = 'INFO' if level == 'FATAL': deprecate('3.0.10-1') level = getattr(logging, level.upper()) self.backend.setLevel(level) # console self._setup_console_log() # file self._setup_file_log()
[docs] def get_level(self): """Returns the current log level.""" return logging.getLevelName(self.backend.level)
[docs] def clear_loggers(self, namespace): """Clear any previously configured loggers for ``namespace``.""" for i in logging.getLogger("cement:app:%s" % namespace).handlers: logging.getLogger("cement:app:%s" % namespace).removeHandler(i) self.backend = logging.getLogger("cement:app:%s" % namespace)
def _get_console_format(self): if self.get_level() == logging.getLevelName(logging.DEBUG): format = self._meta.debug_format else: format = self._meta.console_format return format def _get_file_format(self): if self.get_level() == logging.getLevelName(logging.DEBUG): format = self._meta.debug_format else: format = self._meta.file_format return format def _get_file_formatter(self, format): return self._meta.formatter_class(format) def _get_console_formatter(self, format): return self._meta.formatter_class(format)
[docs] def _setup_console_log(self): """Add a console log handler.""" namespace = self._meta.namespace to_console =, 'to_console') if is_true(to_console): console_handler = logging.StreamHandler() format = self._get_console_format() formatter = self._get_console_formatter(format) console_handler.setFormatter(formatter) console_handler.setLevel(getattr(logging, self.get_level())) else: console_handler = NullHandler() # FIXME: self._clear_loggers() should be preventing this but its not! for i in logging.getLogger("cement:app:%s" % namespace).handlers: if isinstance(i, logging.StreamHandler): self.backend.removeHandler(i) self.backend.addHandler(console_handler)
[docs] def _setup_file_log(self): """Add a file log handler.""" namespace = self._meta.namespace file_path =, 'file') rotate =, 'rotate') max_bytes =, 'max_bytes') max_files =, 'max_files') if file_path: file_path = fs.abspath(file_path) log_dir = os.path.dirname(file_path) if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) if rotate: from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler file_handler = RotatingFileHandler( file_path, maxBytes=int(max_bytes), backupCount=int(max_files), ) else: from logging import FileHandler file_handler = FileHandler(file_path) format = self._get_file_format() formatter = self._get_file_formatter(format) file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) file_handler.setLevel(getattr(logging, self.get_level())) else: file_handler = NullHandler() # FIXME: self._clear_loggers() should be preventing this but its not! for i in logging.getLogger("cement:app:%s" % namespace).handlers: if isinstance(i, file_handler.__class__): # pragma: nocover self.backend.removeHandler(i) # pragma: nocover self.backend.addHandler(file_handler)
def _get_logging_kwargs(self, namespace, **kw): if namespace is None: namespace = self._meta.namespace if 'extra' in kw.keys() and 'namespace' in kw['extra'].keys(): pass elif 'extra' in kw.keys() and 'namespace' not in kw['extra'].keys(): kw['extra']['namespace'] = namespace else: kw['extra'] = dict(namespace=namespace) return kw
[docs] def info(self, msg, namespace=None, **kw): """ Log to the INFO facility. Args: msg (str): The message to log. Keyword Args: namespace (str): A log prefix, generally the module ``__name__`` that the log is coming from. Will default to ``self._meta.namespace`` if none is passed. Other Parameters: kwargs: Keyword arguments are passed on to the backend logging system. """ kwargs = self._get_logging_kwargs(namespace, **kw), **kwargs)
[docs] def warning(self, msg, namespace=None, **kw): """ Log to the WARNING facility. Args: msg (str): The message to log. Keyword Args: namespace (str): A log prefix, generally the module ``__name__`` that the log is coming from. Will default to ``self._meta.namespace`` if none is passed. Other Parameters: kwargs: Keyword arguments are passed on to the backend logging system. """ kwargs = self._get_logging_kwargs(namespace, **kw) self.backend.warning(msg, **kwargs)
[docs] def error(self, msg, namespace=None, **kw): """ Log to the ERROR facility. :Args: msg (str): The message to log. Keyword Args: namespace (str): A log prefix, generally the module ``__name__`` that the log is coming from. Will default to ``self._meta.namespace`` if none is passed. Other Parameters: kwargs: Keyword arguments are passed on to the backend logging system. """ kwargs = self._get_logging_kwargs(namespace, **kw) self.backend.error(msg, **kwargs)
[docs] def critical(self, msg, namespace=None, **kw): """ Log to the CRITICAL facility. Args: msg (str): The message to log. Keyword Args: namespace (str): A log prefix, generally the module ``__name__`` that the log is coming from. Will default to ``self._meta.namespace`` if none is passed. Other Parameters: kwargs: Keyword arguments are passed on to the backend logging system. """ kwargs = self._get_logging_kwargs(namespace, **kw) self.backend.critical(msg, **kwargs)
[docs] def fatal(self, msg, namespace=None, **kw): """ Log to the FATAL (aka CRITICAL) facility. As of Cement 3.0.10, this method is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Cement. Please us `critical()` instead. Args: msg (str): The message to log. Keyword Args: namespace (str): A log prefix, generally the module ``__name__`` that the log is coming from. Will default to ``self._meta.namespace`` if none is passed. Other Parameters: kwargs: Keyword arguments are passed on to the backend logging system. """ deprecate('3.0.10-1') kwargs = self._get_logging_kwargs(namespace, **kw) self.backend.fatal(msg, **kwargs)
[docs] def debug(self, msg, namespace=None, **kw): """ Log to the DEBUG facility. Args: msg (str): The message to log. Keyword Args: namespace (str): A log prefix, generally the module ``__name__`` that the log is coming from. Will default to ``self._meta.namespace`` if none is passed. Other Parameters: kwargs: Keyword arguments are passed on to the backend logging system. """ kwargs = self._get_logging_kwargs(namespace, **kw) self.backend.debug(msg, **kwargs)
def add_logging_arguments(app): if app.log._meta.log_level_argument is not None: app.args.add_argument(*app.log._meta.log_level_argument, dest='log_logging_level', help=app.log._meta.log_level_argument_help, choices=[x.lower() for x in app.log.levels]) def handle_logging_arguments(app): if hasattr(app.pargs, 'log_logging_level'): if app.pargs.log_logging_level is not None: app.log.set_level(app.pargs.log_logging_level) if app.pargs.log_logging_level in ['debug', 'DEBUG']: app._meta.debug = True def load(app): app.handler.register(LoggingLogHandler) app.hook.register('pre_argument_parsing', add_logging_arguments) app.hook.register('post_argument_parsing', handle_logging_arguments)