Source code for cement.ext.ext_json

Cement json extension module.

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Dict, TYPE_CHECKING
from ..core import output
from ..utils.misc import minimal_logger
from ..ext.ext_configparser import ConfigParserConfigHandler

    from import App  # pragma: nocover

LOG = minimal_logger(__name__)

[docs] def suppress_output_before_run(app: App) -> None: """ This is a ``post_argument_parsing`` hook that suppresses console output if the ``JsonOutputHandler`` is triggered via command line. :param app: The application object. """ if not hasattr(app.pargs, 'output_handler_override'): return elif app.pargs.output_handler_override == 'json': app._suppress_output()
[docs] def unsuppress_output_before_render(app: App, data: Any) -> None: """ This is a ``pre_render`` that unsuppresses console output if the ``JsonOutputHandler`` is triggered via command line so that the JSON is the only thing in the output. :param app: The application object. """ if not hasattr(app.pargs, 'output_handler_override'): return elif app.pargs.output_handler_override == 'json': app._unsuppress_output()
[docs] def suppress_output_after_render(app: App, out_text: str) -> None: """ This is a ``post_render`` hook that suppresses console output again after rendering, only if the ``JsonOutputHandler`` is triggered via command line. :param app: The application object. """ if not hasattr(app.pargs, 'output_handler_override'): return elif app.pargs.output_handler_override == 'json': app._suppress_output()
[docs] class JsonOutputHandler(output.OutputHandler): """ This class implements the :ref:`Output <cement.core.output>` Handler interface. It provides JSON output from a data dictionary using the `json <>`_ module of the standard library. Please see the developer documentation on :cement:`Output Handling <dev/output>`. This handler forces Cement to suppress console output until ``app.render`` is called (keeping the output pure JSON). If troubleshooting issues, you will need to pass the ``--debug`` option in order to unsuppress output and see what's happening. """
[docs] class Meta(output.OutputHandler.Meta): """Handler meta-data""" label = 'json' """The string identifier of this handler.""" #: Whether or not to include ``json`` as an available choice #: to override the ``output_handler`` via command line options. overridable = False #: Backend JSON library module to use (`json`, `ujson`) json_module = 'json'
_meta: Meta # type: ignore def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kw: Any) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kw) self._json = None
[docs] def _setup(self, app: App) -> None: super()._setup(app) self._json = __import__(self._meta.json_module, # type: ignore globals(), locals(), [], 0)
[docs] def render(self, data: Dict[str, Any], template: str = None, **kw: Any) -> str: # type: ignore """ Take a data dictionary and render it as Json output. Note that the template option is received here per the interface, however this handler just ignores it. Additional keyword arguments passed to ``json.dumps()``. Args: data (dict): The data dictionary to render. Keyword Args: template: This option is completely ignored. Returns: str: A JSON encoded string. """ LOG.debug(f"rendering output as Json via {self.__module__}") return self._json.dumps(data, **kw) # type: ignore
[docs] class JsonConfigHandler(ConfigParserConfigHandler): """ This class implements the :ref:`Config <cement.core.config>` Handler interface, and provides the same functionality of :ref:`ConfigParserConfigHandler <cement.ext.ext_configparser>` but with JSON configuration files. """
[docs] class Meta(ConfigParserConfigHandler.Meta): """Handler meta-data.""" label = 'json' #: Backend JSON library module to use (`json`, `ujson`). json_module = 'json'
_meta: Meta # type: ignore def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kw: Any) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kw) self._json = None
[docs] def _setup(self, app: App) -> None: super()._setup(app) self._json = __import__(self._meta.json_module, # type: ignore globals(), locals(), [], 0)
[docs] def _parse_file(self, file_path: str) -> bool: """ Parse JSON configuration file settings from file_path, overwriting existing config settings. If the file does not exist, returns False. Args: file_path (str): The file system path to the JSON configuration file. Returns: bool """ with open(file_path, 'r') as f: content = if content is not None and len(content) > 0: self.merge(self._json.loads(content)) return True
def load(app: App) -> None: app.hook.register('post_argument_parsing', suppress_output_before_run) app.hook.register('pre_render', unsuppress_output_before_render) app.hook.register('post_render', suppress_output_after_render) app.handler.register(JsonOutputHandler) app.handler.register(JsonConfigHandler)