Source code for cement.ext.ext_dummy

Cement dummy extension module.

from ..core.output import OutputHandler
from ..core.template import TemplateHandler
from ..core.mail import MailHandler
from ..utils.misc import minimal_logger

LOG = minimal_logger(__name__)

[docs] class DummyOutputHandler(OutputHandler): """ This class is an internal implementation of the :class:`cement.core.output.OutputHandlerBase` interface. It does not take any parameters on initialization, and does not actually output anything. """
[docs] class Meta: """Handler meta-data""" #: The string identifier of this handler. label = 'dummy' #: Whether or not to include ``dummy`` as an available to choice #: to override the ``output_handler`` via command line options. overridable = False
[docs] def render(self, data, template=None, **kw): """ This implementation does not actually render anything to output, but rather logs it to the debug facility. Args: data (dict): The data dictionary to render. Keyword Args: template (str): The template parameter is not used by this implementation at all. """ LOG.debug("not rendering any output to console") LOG.debug("DATA: %s" % data) return None
[docs] class DummyTemplateHandler(TemplateHandler): """ This class is an internal implementation of the :class:`cement.core.template.TemplateHandlerBase` interface. It does not take any parameters on initialization, and does not actually render anything. """
[docs] class Meta: """Handler meta-data""" #: The string identifier of this handler. label = 'dummy'
[docs] def render(self, content, data, *args, **kw): """ This implementation does not actually render anything, but rather logs it to the debug facility. Args: content (str): The content to render as dictionary data (dict): The data dictionary to render. """ LOG.debug("CONTENT: %s" % content) LOG.debug("DATA: %s" % data) return None
[docs] def copy(self, src, dest, data): """ This implementation does not actually copy anything, but rather logs it to the debug facility. Args: src (str): The source template directory. dest (str): The destination directory. data (dict): The data dictionary to render with templates. """ LOG.debug("COPY: %s -> %s" % (src, dest))
[docs] class DummyMailHandler(MailHandler): """ This class implements the :class:`cement.core.mail.IMail` interface, but is intended for use in development as no email is actually sent. Example: .. code-block:: python class MyApp(App): class Meta: label = 'myapp' mail_handler = 'dummy' with MyApp() as app: app.mail.send('This is my fake message', subject='This is my subject', to=['', ''], from_addr='', ) The above will print the following to console: .. code-block:: text ====================================================================== DUMMY MAIL MESSAGE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- To:, From: CC: BCC: Subject: This is my subject --- This is my fake message ---------------------------------------------------------------------- **Configuration** This handler supports the following configuration settings: * **to** - Default ``to`` addresses (list, or comma separated depending on the ConfigHandler in use) * **from_addr** - Default ``from_addr`` address * **cc** - Default ``cc`` addresses (list, or comma separated depending on the ConfigHandler in use) * **bcc** - Default ``bcc`` addresses (list, or comma separated depending on the ConfigHandler in use) * **subject** - Default ``subject`` * **subject_prefix** - Additional string to prepend to the ``subject`` You can add these to any application configuration file under a ``[mail.dummy]`` section, for example: **~/.myapp.conf** .. code-block:: text [myapp] # set the mail handler to use mail_handler = dummy [mail.dummy] # default to addresses (comma separated list) to = # default from address from = # default cc addresses (comma separated list) cc =, # default bcc addresses (comma separated list) bcc =, # default subject subject = This is The Default Subject # additional prefix to prepend to the subject subject_prefix = MY PREFIX > """
[docs] class Meta: """Handler meta-data.""" #: Unique identifier for this handler label = 'dummy'
def _get_params(self, **kw): params = dict() for item in ['to', 'from_addr', 'cc', 'bcc', 'subject']: config_item =, item) params[item] = kw.get(item, config_item) # also grab the subject_prefix params['subject_prefix'] = self._meta.config_section, 'subject_prefix' ) return params
[docs] def send(self, body, **kw): """ Mimic sending an email message, but really just print what would be sent to console. Keyword arguments override configuration defaults (cc, bcc, etc). Args: body: The message body to send Keyword Args: to (list): List of recipients (generally email addresses) from_addr (str): Address (generally email) of the sender cc (list): List of CC Recipients bcc (list): List of BCC Recipients subject (str): Message subject line Returns: bool:``True`` if message is sent successfully, ``False`` otherwise Example: .. code-block:: python # Using all configuration defaults app.mail.send('This is my message body') # Overriding configuration defaults app.mail.send('My message body' to=[''], from_addr='', cc=['', ''], subject='This is my subject', ) """ # shorted config values params = self._get_params(**kw) msg = "\n" + "=" * 77 + "\n" msg += "DUMMY MAIL MESSAGE\n" msg += "-" * 77 + "\n\n" msg += "To: %s\n" % ', '.join(params['to']) msg += "From: %s\n" % params['from_addr'] msg += "CC: %s\n" % ', '.join(params['cc']) msg += "BCC: %s\n" % ', '.join(params['bcc']) if params['subject_prefix'] not in [None, '']: msg += "Subject: %s %s\n\n---\n\n" % (params['subject_prefix'], params['subject']) else: msg += "Subject: %s\n\n---\n\n" % params['subject'] msg += body + "\n" msg += "\n" + "-" * 77 + "\n" print(msg) return True
def load(app): app.handler.register(DummyOutputHandler) app.handler.register(DummyTemplateHandler) app.handler.register(DummyMailHandler)