Source code for cement.ext.ext_configparser

Cement configparser extension module.

import os
import re
from ..core import config
from ..utils.misc import minimal_logger
from configparser import RawConfigParser

LOG = minimal_logger(__name__)

[docs] class ConfigParserConfigHandler(config.ConfigHandler, RawConfigParser): """ This class is an implementation of the :ref:`Config <cement.core.config>` interface. It handles configuration file parsing and the like by sub-classing from the standard `ConfigParser <>`_ library. Please see the ConfigParser documentation for full usage of the class. Additional arguments and keyword arguments are passed directly to RawConfigParser on initialization. """
[docs] class Meta: """Handler meta-data.""" label = 'configparser' """The string identifier of this handler."""
[docs] def merge(self, dict_obj, override=True): """ Merge a dictionary into our config. If override is True then existing config values are overridden by those passed in. Args: dict_obj (dict): A dictionary of configuration keys/values to merge into our existing config (self). Keyword Args: override (bool): Whether or not to override existing values in the config. """ assert isinstance(dict_obj, dict), "Dictionary object required." for section in list(dict_obj.keys()): if type(dict_obj[section]) is dict: if section not in self.get_sections(): self.add_section(section) for key in list(dict_obj[section].keys()): if override: self.set(section, key, dict_obj[section][key]) else: # only set it if the key doesn't exist if key not in self.keys(section): self.set(section, key, dict_obj[section][key])
# we don't support nested config blocks, so no need to go # further down to more nested dicts.
[docs] def _parse_file(self, file_path): """ Parse a configuration file at ``file_path`` and store it. Args: file_path (str): The file system path to the configuration file. Returns: bool: ``True`` if file was read properly, ``False`` otherwise """ # FIX ME: Should check that file was read properly, however if not it # will likely raise an exception anyhow. return True
[docs] def keys(self, section): """ Return a list of keys within ``section``. Args: section (str): The config section Returns: list: List of keys in the ``section``. """ return self.options(section)
[docs] def get_dict(self): """ Return a dict of the entire configuration. Returns: dict: A dictionary of the entire config. """ _config = {} for section in self.get_sections(): _config[section] = self.get_section_dict(section) return _config
[docs] def get_sections(self): """ Return a list of configuration sections. Returns: list: List of sections """ return self.sections()
[docs] def get_section_dict(self, section): """ Return a dict representation of a section. Args: section: The section of the configuration. Returns: dict: Dictionary reprisentation of the config section. """ dict_obj = dict() for key in self.keys(section): dict_obj[key] = self.get(section, key) return dict_obj
[docs] def add_section(self, section): """ Adds a block section to the config. Args: section (str): The section to add. """ return RawConfigParser.add_section(self, section)
def _get_env_var(self, section, key): if section == env_var = "%s_%s" % (, key) else: env_var = "%s_%s_%s" % (, section, key) env_var = env_var.upper() env_var = re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z_]+', '_', env_var) return env_var
[docs] def get(self, section, key, **kwargs): env_var = self._get_env_var(section, key) if env_var in os.environ.keys(): return os.environ[env_var] else: return RawConfigParser.get(self, section, key, **kwargs)
[docs] def has_section(self, section): return RawConfigParser.has_section(self, section)
[docs] def set(self, section, key, value): return RawConfigParser.set(self, section, key, value)
def load(app): app.handler.register(ConfigParserConfigHandler)