
The Logging Extension provides log handling based on the standard logging.Logger, and is the default log handler used by Cement.


  • No external dependencies.


This extension honors the following configuration settings from the config section log.logging:

  • level
  • file
  • to_console
  • rotate
  • max_bytes
  • max_files

A sample config section (in any config file) might look like:

file = /path/to/config/file
level = info
to_console = true
rotate = true
max_bytes = 512000
max_files = 4


from cement.core.foundation import CementApp

with MyApp() as app:
    app.log.info("This is an info message")
    app.log.warning("This is an warning message")
    app.log.error("This is an error message")
    app.log.fatal("This is a fatal message")
    app.log.debug("This is a debug message")
class cement.ext.ext_logging.LoggingLogHandler(*args, **kw)

Bases: cement.core.log.CementLogHandler

This class is an implementation of the ILog interface, and sets up the logging facility using the standard Python logging module.

class Meta

Handler meta-data.

clear_loggers = []

List of logger namespaces to clear. Useful when imported software also sets up logging and you end up with duplicate log entries.

Changes in Cement 2.1.3. Previous versions only supported clear_loggers as a boolean, but did fully support clearing non-app logging namespaces.

config_defaults = {'file': None, 'level': 'INFO', 'max_bytes': 512000, 'max_files': 4, 'rotate': False, 'to_console': True}

The default configuration dictionary to populate the log section.

console_format = '%(levelname)s: %(message)s'

The logging format for the consoler logger.

debug_format = '%(asctime)s (%(levelname)s) %(namespace)s : %(message)s'

The logging format for both file and console if debug==True.

file_format = '%(asctime)s (%(levelname)s) %(namespace)s : %(message)s'

The logging format for the file logger.


alias of logging.Formatter


alias of cement.core.log.ILog

label = 'logging'

The string identifier of this handler.

namespace = None

The logging namespace.

Note: Although Meta.namespace defaults to None, Cement will set this to the application label (CementApp.Meta.label) if not set during setup.


The _setup function is called during application initialization and must setup the handler object making it ready for the framework or the application to make further calls to it.

Parameters:app_obj – The application object.

Add a console log handler.


Add a file log handler.


Clear any previously configured loggers for namespace.

debug(msg, namespace=None, **kw)

Log to the DEBUG facility.

  • msg – The message to log.
  • namespace – A log prefix, generally the module __name__ that the log is coming from. Will default to self._meta.namespace if None is passed. For debugging, it can be useful to set this to __file__, though __name__ is much less verbose.
  • kw – Keyword arguments are passed on to the backend logging system.
error(msg, namespace=None, **kw)

Log to the ERROR facility.

  • msg – The message to log.
  • namespace – A log prefix, generally the module __name__ that the log is coming from. Will default to self._meta.namespace if None is passed.
  • kw – Keyword arguments are passed on to the backend logging system.
fatal(msg, namespace=None, **kw)

Log to the FATAL (aka CRITICAL) facility.

  • msg – The message to log.
  • namespace – A log prefix, generally the module __name__ that the log is coming from. Will default to self._meta.namespace if None is passed.
  • kw – Keyword arguments are passed on to the backend logging system.

Returns the current log level.

info(msg, namespace=None, **kw)

Log to the INFO facility.

  • msg – The message to log.
  • namespace – A log prefix, generally the module __name__ that the log is coming from. Will default to self._meta.namespace if None is passed.
  • kw – Keyword arguments are passed on to the backend logging system.

Set the log level. Must be one of the log levels configured in self.levels which are ['INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'DEBUG', 'FATAL'].

Parameters:level – The log level to set.
warn(msg, namespace=None, **kw)

DEPRECATION WARNING: This function is deprecated as of Cement 2.9.x in favor of the LoggingLogHandler.warning() function, and will be removed in future versions of Cement.

See: :ref:LoggingLogHandler.warning():

warning(msg, namespace=None, **kw)

Log to the WARNING facility.

  • msg – The message to log.
  • namespace – A log prefix, generally the module __name__ that the log is coming from. Will default to self._meta.namespace if None is passed.
  • kw – Keyword arguments are passed on to the backend logging system.